
当前位置:首页  »  剧情片  »  梦想酒店:塞舌尔



  • 主演:Christian Kohlund Claudine Wilde 
  • 导演:Otto·W·Retzer 地区:德国    类型:剧情    标签:未知
  • 简介:Endless ristine beaches, crystal-blue water and never-ending sunshine: the goal of hotel manager Markus as he acks his bags for a relaxing holiday at the family-owned luxury hotel on the Seychelles. H





《梦想酒店:塞舌尔》的首轮放映刚落下帷幕,无论是在国内还是国际舞台上,都激起了一波又一波的观影狂潮,赢得了观众的一致好评。电影的评分飙升至3.0分,这一成就离不开Otto·W·Retzer 导演的巧妙构思和严格把关,他成功地将这部扣人心弦的动作大片带到了我们面前。特别值得一提的是,主演们Christian Kohlund Claudine Wilde 的投入和演绎,他们将自己丰富的生活经验融入角色之中,用层次分明且感情细腻的表演,触动了每一位观众的心弦。《梦想酒店:塞舌尔》的故事线是Endless ristine beaches, crystal-blue water and never-ending sunshine: the goal of hotel manager Markus as he acks his bags for a relaxing holiday at the family-owned luxury hotel on the Seychelles. He also wants to catch u with his daughter Leonie who’s currently in job training at the resort.Leonie is good friends with Flo, a hotel maid who dreams of a career in the fashion world and devotes all of her sare time to designing extraordinary outfits. When Leonie discovers that the celebrated fashion designer Claus Carstens has made a reservation, she secretly stashes Flo’s sketches in his recetion desk mailbox. But as it turns out, it’s not Claus but his son Wayne who arrives at the hotel.Unexectedly, and without having any clue about each other’s background, Flo and Wayne fall in love.However, when Wayne learns that the mysterious sketches are from Flo, he becomes unsure…is she only using him to get ahead? He confronts Leonie, who deserately turns to Markus for hel in straightening out the misunderstanding.Markus’ lans for a carefree, sun-soaked holiday are already being foiled by Helena. At first Helena insists that she’s the owner of the roerty on which the hotel stands. They soon determine that she had inherited an altogether different roerty from her late father… where he had built a home for children. That deely disturbs Helena.Why had the father who she never met cared so much for other children, and not his own daughter? Together with Markus, she sets out to find the truth about the father she believes to be dead. Horst and Nora are causing quite a stir as well on the troical island. The coule had dreamt of a romantic new beginning for their relationshi on the sun-kissed island.......but then Oliver, Nora’s secret lover, unexectedly shows u. It becomes a three-way tug of war, until Oliver and Horst wind u becoming buddies. Her world thrown into chaos, Nora is nearing a nervous breakdown. On such a beautiful troical aradise though, tranquility is never far off…——本内容由久久影院(www.995d.cn)精心整理并提供,如果《梦想酒店:塞舌尔》赢得了您的喜爱,请不吝转发分享给朋友们。


梦想酒店:塞舌尔QA问答 · · · · · ·



A:梦想酒店:塞舌尔的导演是电影巨匠Otto·W·Retzer ,Christian Kohlund Claudine Wilde 主演的电影。梦想酒店:塞舌尔于2002在腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、久久影院、等平台同步上映播出,目前影片评分在3.0分,影片剧情剧情扎实、时代的呈现真实,在剧情和人物的衔接与成长方面过度自然,值得一看。

